When spending your hard earned dollars, car rental specials can help save you money. If you go to car rental websites you usually see a tab for "hot deals", and usually you will see their best or current offers advertised on the home page. Summer being such a busy travel time, it's important to source and book ahead.
You may see things like 3 day weekend special "pay for 2 get one free" or Book two days get one free which means the same thing you get one day free. Just be a little careful that they allow you to collect the car when you need to. There could be restrictions on collection and returns times. Remember that car rental works in 24hour increments and if you go over you may have to pay not only for the extra time but at the standard rate not the discounted rate. If you know you will be late call, let the car rental operator know so that the next client is not inconvenienced the staff will appreciate it and may be able to contact the next client to re-schedule, car hire is ofen back to back with just enough time for cleaning and safety checks.
Some weekend and weekly specials are only for specific branches. The offer may, or may not be available at an airport location. Many weekend specials will only be available in certain cities or even at participating locations in certain states. Always be sure as to whether or not you require a new or used rental car. Also if it is called a new car it sometimes pays to check the actual age if the car. Used cars usually involve a wait at the airport to be collected, but can often be worth the trouble with added savings. Also the independant operators usually don't have as many "extras" tacked on to the deal.
Check on any restrictions on where the vehicle can travel or how many kms you are alloted free before a per kms fee kicks in - best to check so that you don't get any surprises when it comes to signing a contract. The weekend rate may only be for specific categories of cars, so if you have certain criterea like 7 or 8 seats or 4 door not 3 make sure that the special is for something that will suit. Always ask for a upgrades the worst thing they can say is NO.
Keep in mind that with most weekend deals, the value may only apply to the weekend and not for any additional time so if you return the vehicle late or extend your hire you may have to pay the normal rate of hire.
Before you book your vehicle be sure to read the terms and conditions of hire, if these are not available online to view don't book there may be something they don't want you to see.
There are times when you will not be able to find a special discounted rate, don't dispear find a website that gives you a comparison between the top car rental companies and then look for anywhere on that site that may let you enter a discount code from a club membership or association, even some credit card companies have affiliates, RACQ and NRMA certainly do. Drive safely
Drive safely - 31515
You may see things like 3 day weekend special "pay for 2 get one free" or Book two days get one free which means the same thing you get one day free. Just be a little careful that they allow you to collect the car when you need to. There could be restrictions on collection and returns times. Remember that car rental works in 24hour increments and if you go over you may have to pay not only for the extra time but at the standard rate not the discounted rate. If you know you will be late call, let the car rental operator know so that the next client is not inconvenienced the staff will appreciate it and may be able to contact the next client to re-schedule, car hire is ofen back to back with just enough time for cleaning and safety checks.
Some weekend and weekly specials are only for specific branches. The offer may, or may not be available at an airport location. Many weekend specials will only be available in certain cities or even at participating locations in certain states. Always be sure as to whether or not you require a new or used rental car. Also if it is called a new car it sometimes pays to check the actual age if the car. Used cars usually involve a wait at the airport to be collected, but can often be worth the trouble with added savings. Also the independant operators usually don't have as many "extras" tacked on to the deal.
Check on any restrictions on where the vehicle can travel or how many kms you are alloted free before a per kms fee kicks in - best to check so that you don't get any surprises when it comes to signing a contract. The weekend rate may only be for specific categories of cars, so if you have certain criterea like 7 or 8 seats or 4 door not 3 make sure that the special is for something that will suit. Always ask for a upgrades the worst thing they can say is NO.
Keep in mind that with most weekend deals, the value may only apply to the weekend and not for any additional time so if you return the vehicle late or extend your hire you may have to pay the normal rate of hire.
Before you book your vehicle be sure to read the terms and conditions of hire, if these are not available online to view don't book there may be something they don't want you to see.
There are times when you will not be able to find a special discounted rate, don't dispear find a website that gives you a comparison between the top car rental companies and then look for anywhere on that site that may let you enter a discount code from a club membership or association, even some credit card companies have affiliates, RACQ and NRMA certainly do. Drive safely
Drive safely - 31515
About the Author:
For the best discount deals on Weekend Car Rental viisit the Webbcarr Car Rental website to compare and save on Car Hire